Top Landing Page Builders Compared

5 Best Landing Page Builders for Your Ebook: The Ultimate Guide

So, you’ve written an ebook. Awesome! Whether you’re planning to sell it or give it away as a lead magnet, you need a killer landing page to make it happen. But here’s the thing – most authors aren’t exactly web design pros. That’s where landing page builders come in clutch.

This guide will walk you through the best landing page builders for ebook authors, whether you’re selling or giving away your digital masterpiece. We’ll cut through the fluff and give you the real deal on what works, what doesn’t, and how to pick the right tool for your needs.

Why Landing Pages Matter for Ebooks

Think of your landing page as your book’s digital storefront. It needs to:

  • Grab attention fast (you’ve got like 3 seconds before people bounce)
  • Explain why your ebook is worth downloading or buying
  • Make it ridiculously easy to get the book

A good landing page builder makes creating this crucial tool a breeze, even if your tech skills are… let’s say “developing.”

Must-Have Features in Ebook Landing Page Builders

  1. Easy to Use: You want drag-and-drop simplicity. If you need a computer science degree to figure it out, keep looking.
  2. Ebook-Specific Templates: Pre-made designs save you time and incorporate tactics that actually work for selling or promoting books.
  3. Customization: You need to be able to tweak colors, fonts, and layouts to match your book’s vibe. Your true crime thriller probably shouldn’t look like a cookbook, right?
  4. Mobile-Friendly: Your page has to look great on phones and tablets. No exceptions.
  5. Lead Capture: Build your email list with opt-in forms. This is crucial whether you’re selling or giving away your ebook.
  6. A/B Testing: Test different versions of your page to see what converts best. Maybe that neon green “Download Now” button isn’t as cool as you thought.
  7. Integrations: Your page needs to play nice with your email service, payment processor, and other marketing tools.
  8. Analytics: Track how your page performs. Data is your friend.

Top Landing Page Builders for Ebook Authors

Feature Leadpages Unbounce Instapage Landingi ClickFunnels
Starting Price (Monthly) $49 $99 $99 $79 $97
Ease of Use (1-5) 5 4 4 4 3
Ebook-Specific Templates Many Some Some Few Few
Customization High Very High High Moderate Moderate
Mobile Responsiveness Excellent Excellent Excellent Good Good
A/B Testing Yes Advanced Advanced Basic Yes
Integrations Extensive Extensive Extensive Good Good
Analytics Built-in Advanced Advanced Basic Basic
Collaboration Features Limited Good Excellent Limited Limited
Email Marketing Tools No No No No Yes
Sales Funnel Creation Limited Yes No Yes Excellent
Best For Solo authors, beginners Optimization-focused authors Teams, agencies Budget-conscious authors Authors with multiple products
Free Trial 14 days 14 days 14 days 14 days 14 days
Support Email, chat Phone, email, chat Phone, email, chat Email, chat Email, chat
Learning Curve Low Moderate Moderate Low High

1. Leadpages – The Swiss Army Knife


Leadpages nails that sweet spot between “easy enough for your grandma to use” and “powerful enough for a marketing pro.”

Key Features:

  • A drag-and-drop editor so intuitive you’ll wonder why all software isn’t this easy
  • A ton of ebook-focused templates (for both sales and giveaways)
  • Built-in A/B testing to figure out what actually works
  • Integrates with pretty much every marketing tool you can think of
  • Can deliver free chapter samples to build your email list


  • Even if you’re terrified of technology, you can probably figure this out
  • Templates look professional, not like some 90s Geocities nightmare
  • Solid analytics to track how your page is doing


  • Some of the coolest features are locked behind more expensive plans
  • Can get pricey if you need to make a bunch of different pages

leadpages landing page

Pricing: Starts at $49 for monthly or $37/month if you pay yearly

Leadpages is perfect for: Authors who want a solid all-around tool and don’t mind spending a bit more for quality and ease of use.

2. Unbounce – The Conversion Obsessed


Unbounce is like that friend who’s always talking about optimization and conversion rates. Annoying at parties, but exactly who you want helping with your landing page.

Key Features:

  • AI-powered copywriting assistant (for when you have writer’s block… about writing about your writing)
  • Personalizes pages based on where your traffic is coming from
  • A/B testing on steroids
  • Popups and sticky bars to grab attention (without being obnoxious)


  • Gives you a ton of design freedom
  • Seriously powerful tools to improve your conversion rate
  • Grows with you as your marketing gets more sophisticated


  • Steeper learning curve than some other options
  • Priced higher than basic tools

unbounce landing page

Pricing: Starts at $99/month or $74 with annual billing

Unbounce is great for: Authors who are ready to get serious about optimizing their pages and have at least some landing page experience.

3. Instapage – The Team Player


Got a squad helping with your book launch? Instapage makes working together a breeze.

Key Features:

  • Real-time collaboration tools (no more emailing screenshots back and forth)
  • A massive library of templates to start from
  • Advanced analytics and heatmaps to see exactly how people interact with your page
  • Pages load faster than your readers can say “one-click buy”


  • Fantastic if you’re working with designers, VAs, or marketing folks
  • Interface is pretty user-friendly
  • Comes loaded with features for serious marketers


  • One of the more expensive options out there
  • Some users report occasional glitches with the editor


Pricing: Starts at $99/month or $79 if you pay yearly

Instapage shines for: Authors collaborating with a team on their launch, especially if you’re going for a big, coordinated push.

4. Landingi – Your Wallet’s Best Friend


Landingi proves you don’t need to spend a fortune to get a solid landing page builder.

Key Features:

  • Over 400 templates to choose from (decision paralysis, anyone?)
  • Can create entire sales funnels, not just single pages
  • Popups and forms included to capture those sweet, sweet email addresses
  • Basic A/B testing so you can dip your toes into optimization


  • Plans that won’t make your bank account cry
  • Pretty easy for beginners to figure out
  • Plays well with lots of other marketing tools


  • Templates aren’t quite as slick as some of the premium options
  • Fewer advanced features for hardcore marketers


Pricing: Starts at $99 or $79/month with annual billing

Landingi is ideal for: Authors on a tight budget who still need the core features to create a solid landing page.

5. ClickFunnels – The Marketing Ecosystem


ClickFunnels isn’t just about landing pages – it’s about building your whole online marketing machine.

Key Features:

  • Creates entire sales funnels, from landing page to thank you page and beyond
  • Email marketing tools baked right in
  • Can build membership sites (perfect if you’re thinking about online courses)
  • One-click upsells to boost your average order value


  • Super powerful for complex marketing plans
  • Great if you have multiple books or products to sell
  • Can save you money on separate email marketing tools


  • Might be overkill if you just need a simple landing page
  • Takes some time to learn all the features
  • More expensive than basic landing page builders


Pricing: Starts at $97/month or $81 if you pay yearly

ClickFunnels works best for: Authors with multiple books or products, or those building a full online business around their writing.

You’re right, and I apologize for overlooking that important section. Let’s reintroduce “Choosing Your Ideal Landing Page Builder” with fresh insights and value-added information that goes beyond simply restating what we’ve already covered.

So, How Do I Choose the Ideal Landing Page Builder?

Selecting the right landing page builder for your ebook isn’t just about features or price. It’s about finding a tool that aligns with your goals, skills, and long-term marketing strategy. Here’s how to make a smart choice:

  1. Assess Your Tech Comfort Level: If you break out in a cold sweat at the thought of anything more complex than Word, prioritize user-friendliness over advanced features. Leadpages or Landingi might be your speed. For tech-savvy authors, Unbounce’s powerful customization could be worth the learning curve.
  2. Consider Your Marketing Roadmap: Planning to create a series of books or online courses? ClickFunnels’ full-funnel approach could save you headaches down the line. If you’re focused solely on your current ebook, a simpler tool might suffice.
  3. Evaluate Your Team Dynamics: Solo author? You might not need Instapage’s robust collaboration features. But if you’re working with designers or marketing pros, those tools could streamline your workflow significantly.
  4. Analyze Your Traffic Sources: If you’re driving traffic from diverse sources (social media, ads, email), Unbounce’s dynamic text replacement could be a game-changer. For authors relying primarily on organic search, this might be overkill.
  5. Factor in Scalability: Don’t just think about your needs today. Consider where you want to be in a year or two. A tool that seems perfect now might become limiting as your author platform grows.
  6. Test Drive Before You Commit: Take advantage of free trials, but do more than just click around. Set a goal to build a complete landing page for your ebook during the trial. This hands-on experience will reveal whether a tool truly fits your workflow.
  7. Look Beyond the Landing Page: Consider how the tool integrates with your existing tech stack. Does it play nice with your email service provider? Can it connect to your analytics tools? These integrations can save you hours of manual work.
  8. Weigh Cost Against ROI: A pricier tool might pay for itself if it significantly boosts your conversion rates. Conversely, an affordable option that’s a pain to use could cost you in time and missed opportunities.
  9. Trust Your Gut: After weighing all the factors, don’t discount your intuition. If a tool feels right and you enjoy using it, you’re more likely to invest the time to make it work for you.

Before you leave. Check out these articles for your next steps:

Should You Give Your Ebooks for Free?

Lead Magnets Ebook Mistakes to Avoid

Key Metrics to Track for Your Lead Magnets

Ebook as a Sales Funnel Guide

Ebook Launch Checklist

Best Ebook Software List to Help You Make Your Ebooks

How To Turn Your Blog Post Into An Ebook

Use our Ebook Creator Software to expedite your ebook creation.

Or cut your eBook writing time with AI help! Check out Designrr’s special offer today.


The “best” landing page builder is the one you’ll actually use effectively. It’s better to master a simpler tool than to struggle with a feature-packed platform you don’t fully understand. Your landing page is a critical part of your ebook’s success, but it’s your content and marketing strategy that will ultimately drive sales. Choose a tool that empowers your efforts without overwhelming you.

The right landing page builder makes promoting your ebook so much easier, whether you’re selling it or using it as a lead magnet. You’ve already done the hard part by writing the dang thing. Now it’s time to give it the showcase it deserves.

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