The Essential Toolkit for Freelancers and Online Entrepreneurs
90 Best Freelance or Online Entrepreneurs Tools

According to a report published by Upwork, Americans working as freelancers were 56.7 million. That translates to over a third of the overall workforce and still counting as it is expected by 2027 to hit 50.9% of the US population,…

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Is Your Lead Magnet Working? 9 Key Metrics That Tell the Truth

Okay, lead magnets – they’re those freebies you offer to grab people’s attention and get them on your email list. But are yours actually working? That’s where metrics come in. They’re like little flashlights that help you see if your…

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15 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Ebooks as Lead Magnets

Ebooks are fantastic tools for sharing your expertise, building your reputation, and… attracting leads? That’s right! When used correctly, ebooks can be powerful lead magnets. But there’s a catch: many folks stumble into common pitfalls that turn their ebooks into…

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40+ Best Lead Generation Tools to Skyrocket Conversions

Designrr is your secret weapon for crafting stunning ebooks, lead magnets, and other digital content in a flash. But what happens after you’ve created that eye-catching resource? That’s where lead generation tools come into play. These tools help you capture…

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Should I Offer My Book for Free? Pros and Cons

So, you’ve poured your heart and soul into crafting an amazing ebook – congrats! Now comes the big question: should you slap a price tag on it or let it fly free? It might feel a little crazy to give…

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font style for ebook
Choosing the Perfect Font for Your eBook: A Reader-First Guide

Ever cracked open an eBook only to be met with an eye-straining font that made you want to throw your device across the room? Yeah, we’ve all been there. As an author or publisher, your eBook’s font isn’t just about…

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The Ultimate eBook Launch Checklist: Your Roadmap to Success

Ebooks are everywhere. They’re convenient, portable, and with a little effort, anyone can get their ideas and stories in front of a global audience. Tools like Designrr’s ebook creator make formatting and designing your ebook simple. Now that you’ve written…

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How to Use AI to Outline Your Non-Fiction Ebook

Whether you’re a seasoned non-fiction writer or venturing into your first book, outlining can be a daunting task. It’s where you take your central idea and flesh it out into a logical, engaging structure for your readers to follow.  With…

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How to Edit AI Content: Expert Editing Tips for a Compelling eBook

AI writing tools are rapidly changing the world of content creation. These tools offer remarkable speed and the ability to generate starting points for your writing. But can you simply rely on AI to write your entire ebook? Not quite….

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Designrr vs. Which Tool Is Right for Repurposing Your Content?

The content is created, and it’s great. But getting it in front of a wider audience feels like another giant task. Designrr and offer a way forward, but with different approaches. If you want meticulously designed ebooks (and other…

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