How to Turn Your YouTube Content into a Bestselling eBook

How to Turn Your YouTube Content into a Bestselling eBook

So, you’re thinking about turning your video content into an eBook? Smart move! Done right, this can be a powerful way to expand your reach, solidify your brand, and even generate additional income.

Why Make an eBook from Your YouTube Videos?

You’ve already put in the work to make awesome videos. Now, let’s make those videos work even harder for you.

An eBook is a smart play for a few reasons:

  • Some folks prefer to read rather than watch videos.
  • You can make money while you sleep – passive income, baby!
  • “Author” looks pretty sweet next to your name, doesn’t it?
  • You’ll reach people who might never find you on YouTube.

Who’s This Guide For?

If you’re a YouTuber with a decent library of videos, want to make more money, and are ready to put in some work to create something valuable, you’re in the right place. This isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme, but it could be a game-changer if you’re willing to put in the effort.

youtube on laptop

Find Your YouTube Gold Mines

First up, we need to figure out which of your videos are the real winners. This isn’t about playing favorites; it’s about cold, hard data.

Dive into Your Analytics

Open up your YouTube Analytics and look at these key metrics:

  • View counts
  • Watch time
  • Likes and comments
  • Shares

But don’t just skim the surface. Really get into the nitty-gritty:

  • Are certain topics consistently popular?
  • Which parts of your videos keep people watching?
  • What questions keep popping up in the comments?

Make a Killer Spreadsheet

Now, create a spreadsheet of your top 20-30 videos based on these metrics. Include:

Column What to Include
Video Title The full title of your video
Views Total number of views
Watch Time Average watch duration
Engagement Number of likes, comments, and shares
Main Topics Key points covered in the video

This exercise will show you what your audience loves and give you a starting point for your eBook’s structure.

Group Your Content

Now, play detective. Group these videos into themes or related topics. For example:

Theme Related Videos
Gardening Basics

• How to Start a Garden

• 5 Must-Have Gardening Tools

• Common Gardening Mistakes

YouTube SEO

• Keyword Research for YouTube

• Optimizing Video Titles

• Creating Engaging Thumbnails

Build Your eBook’s Skeleton

Alright, we’ve got our themes. Now let’s turn that scattered info into a solid eBook structure.

Brain Dump Time

Take those 3-5 themes you identified and go wild. List all the subtopics from your videos under each theme. Don’t hold back – include related topics you haven’t covered in videos but think would be valuable.

Create a Mind Map

Grab some index cards or open up a digital mind-mapping tool. Write each main topic and subtopic on a separate card or node. Now you can physically move ideas around and see how your book might flow.

As you’re arranging your topics, ask yourself:

  • What’s the logical way to present this info?
  • How would I explain this to a complete newbie?
  • Where do the advanced topics fit in?

Craft a Killer Structure

Here’s a solid structure to follow:

  1. Introduction: Hook ’em in
  2. Basics: Start with the fundamentals
  3. Main content: Your key themes, logically arranged
  4. Advanced stuff: Take it to the next level
  5. Wrap-up: Give ’em actionable takeaways

Let’s say you’re writing an eBook on “YouTube SEO Secrets”. Your table of contents might look something like this:

Chapter Title
1 Why YouTube SEO Is a Big Deal
2 Cracking the YouTube Algorithm Code
3 Keyword Magic: Finding the Right Words
4 Titles and Descriptions That Hook Viewers
5 Thumbnail Design: Get Those Clicks
6 Cards and End Screens: Keep ‘Em Watching
7 Playlist Power: Boost Your SEO Game
8 Next-Level YouTube SEO Tricks
9 Your YouTube SEO Battle Plan

For each chapter, jot down a quick description. This’ll keep you on track when you’re writing and come in handy for marketing later.

Have one video you want to turn into an ebook? Don’t worry, we’ll show you how to do that too.

Don’t want to sell it? We’ll show you how to give away your ebook to generate more leads!

Turn Video Scripts into Killer Written Content

youtube on phone

Now comes the fun part – turning those video scripts into engaging written content. This isn’t about copying your videos word-for-word. It’s about creating something even better for your readers.

Transcription: Your Starting Point

Use a tool like or to transcribe your videos. Then, roll up your sleeves and edit those transcripts:

  • Cut out the fluff
  • Make your sentences crystal clear
  • Organize your info in a way that makes sense

Make Your Content Shine

Now, let’s take that content to the next level:

  • Fill in the gaps: Explain background info you might have skipped in videos
  • Go deep: Really dig into those complex topics
  • Tell stories: Use real-world examples to illustrate your points
  • Answer questions: Address those FAQs from your video comments

Your eBook should offer more than your videos. Give your readers a reason to buy, even if they’ve binged all your content.

Add Some Visual Flair

Just because it’s a book doesn’t mean it has to be all text. Sprinkle in some visuals to keep things interesting and help explain tricky concepts.

Types of Visuals That Work

  • Screenshots: Show exactly what you’re talking about
  • Infographics: Break down complex info into bite-sized pieces
  • Charts and graphs: Make data easy to understand at a glance
  • Custom illustrations: Explain concepts that are hard to put into words

When you’re creating visuals:

  • Stick to your style: Use your YouTube channel’s colors and vibe
  • Keep it clean: Don’t cram too much into one image
  • Quality matters: Fuzzy or pixelated graphics look amateurish

Polish Till It Shines

You’ve got your content down. Now let’s make it sparkle. Good editing can turn a decent eBook into a page-turner.

Your Editing Game Plan

  1. Take a breather: Step away from your manuscript for a few days
  2. Big picture edit: Does each chapter flow smoothly into the next? Is all your info up-to-date and accurate? Have you cut out all the repetitive bits?
  3. Edit: Hunt down those grammar and spelling mistakes. Make sure your tone is consistent throughout. Simplify any sentences that sound like a mouthful
  4. Read it out loud: You’ll catch any awkward phrases or rhythm issues

If you can swing it, hire a pro editor. They’ll catch things you missed and give you solid feedback on your eBook’s overall structure and flow.

Create a Cover That Sells

youtube to ebook

Your eBook cover is like a billboard for your book. It needs to grab attention and clearly show what your book’s about, all in the split second someone’s scrolling through Amazon.

What Makes a Great eBook Cover?

  • A title you can read from a mile away
  • A subtitle that tells readers what they’ll get out of your book
  • Visuals that match your YouTube brand
  • A design that looks professional and polished

Some tips for nailing your cover design:

  • Less is more: Don’t try to cram too much onto your cover
  • Make it pop: Use colors that contrast well
  • Font matters: Choose fonts that are easy to read, even when the cover’s tiny
  • Brand it: Include your YouTube channel name or logo

If design isn’t your strong suit, it’s worth hiring a pro. Your cover can make or break your eBook’s success, so it’s worth investing in.

Format for Every Device

To reach the widest audience possible, your eBook needs to look good on everything from a smartphone to a large tablet.

The Big Three eBook Formats

  1. EPUB: Works on most e-readers
  2. MOBI: For Amazon Kindle devices
  3. PDF: Great for computers and tablets

Some formatting tips:

  • Use consistent styles for headings, subheadings, and body text
  • Add a clickable table of contents so readers can jump around easily
  • Optimize your images so they look good but don’t make your file size huge
  • Test your eBook on different devices to make sure it looks good everywhere

If the technical stuff gives you a headache, consider using a tool like Calibre or hiring someone to format your eBook for you.

Price It Right

Pricing your eBook can feel like a guessing game, but there’s some strategy to it.

Things to think about when setting your price:

  • How long is your eBook? How in-depth does it go?
  • What are similar books in your niche selling for?
  • How big is your audience? How well-known are you?
  • How valuable is the information you’re providing?

Don’t be afraid to price your eBook higher if you’re offering something unique and valuable. You can always adjust the price later based on how well it’s selling.

Convert Your YouTube Video in Just a Few Minutes

Already have a ebook-worthy content and want to turn it into an ebook? Try Designrr’s ebook creator.

Select what you want to create and the type of format. Upload your YouTube URL and that’s it!

Designrr ebook to youtube software

It will transcribe your audio into text using our audio/video transcription software. Add photos, elements, ebook covers, CTA, and much more with our easy-to-use platform.

Check out Designrr’s special offer today!

Sell It to Your YouTube Fans

Your YouTube subscribers are your ready-made market. Let’s make the most of that.

Some ways to promote your eBook to your YouTube audience:

  • Make videos that give a sneak peek of your eBook content
  • Use end screens and cards in your videos to tell people about your eBook
  • Talk about your eBook in your video descriptions and pinned comments
  • Create a video explaining why you wrote the book and how it’ll help your viewers
  • Offer some bonuses for people who buy your book in the first week

Also, build a landing page for your eBook. This gives you a central place to send interested viewers and lets you really show off what your book has to offer.

Reach Beyond YouTube

Your YouTube fans are a great start, but let’s get your eBook in front of even more people.

Some ways to expand your reach:

  • List your eBook on popular platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing
  • Reach out to bloggers and reviewers in your niche
  • Write guest posts for relevant blogs and mention your eBook
  • Use your other social media accounts to promote your book
  • Try running some targeted ads on platforms like Facebook or Amazon

Keep in mind that marketing is an ongoing process. You’ll need to keep promoting your eBook consistently to keep those sales coming in.

Learn and Improve

Launching your eBook is just the beginning. To keep it successful long-term, you need to listen to your readers and use their feedback to make your book even better.

How to gather feedback:

  • Ask readers to leave reviews on the platforms where you’re selling your eBook
  • Create a survey for people to fill out after they finish your book
  • Keep an eye on social media for mentions of your eBook
  • Don’t be shy about reaching out directly to people who’ve bought your book

Look for patterns in the feedback you get. Which parts of your book do people love? What do they wish you’d covered more? Are they having trouble putting your advice into practice?

Use this feedback to plan updates to your current eBook, come up with ideas for future books or products, and even improve your YouTube content.

Time to Make It Happen

Alright, YouTube creators, let’s wrap this up. Turning your video content into an eBook is a powerful way to grow your influence, make more money, and give your audience something new and valuable.

It’s not a quick or easy process, but you can use content repurposing tools like Designrr to make it easier. The potential payoff – both in terms of cash and your reputation in your field – makes it worth the effort.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive into those YouTube analytics, figure out which of your videos are the real winners, and start outlining your eBook. Your audience is out there, ready and waiting for the awesome info only you can provide. It’s time to make it happen!